Monday, October 6, 2008

Just can't get enough

Do to sheer unadulterated laziness I've decided to ditch my personal website in favor of something I don't have to update for security, so welcome to my new blogger page!

If you notice any broken links, etc., please let me know. I think I've gotten everything ported relatively cleanly, but you never know.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Portland Barcamp

I meant to write about this a while ago, but I went to Barcamp here this year and I'd have to say it was a really interesting event. Lots of discussion about Location based services, some inspiring talk about xmpp, and lots of drupal and openID thrown in the mix. These happen regularly all over the US, so I'd highly recommend checking it out if there's one coming to your neighborhood. Lots of notes and user generated content found at the Portland Barcamp Wiki.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Digital Un-divide

I've started messing around with the various SL (Second Life) <-> RL (Real Life) I/O and there are some real possibilities there. Given my fascination with -making things talk- I have a pretty decent skill set, email parsing, minimalist web apps, XML-RPC, to potentially do some interesting things there. As a matter of fact, this blog is currently getting transmitted to cubes in second life that will post the latest entry when someone touches them. How's that for coming full circle.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

vocoid now has a SL venue

Thanks to my friend Michael, Vocoid now has a venue in second life for live performances. I'm working on a launch party right now, which will hopefully coincide with the release of the second medl album, coming soon!

If you wanna check out the space (or just hang out and listen to the SomaFM digitalis or streams):
Club Vocoid

Friday, February 29, 2008

Another New Album: Challenged

I know, it seems like I was just saying this (okay, maybe not) but I have yet another new album. I just finished my submission for the RPM Challenge ( You can check out the fruits of my labor of putting out an entire album in a month on Vocoid:
