Tuesday, October 3, 2000


OpLog is a message broadcast service for our various monitors, notifications,
etc.; think twitter for sysadmins.

The main goal for OpLog was to replace email as the main client for
notifications. Operations e-mail accounts are constantly filling up with
things we may and or may not care about, numbing us and eventually causing us
to stop paying attention to most emails we get. This also costs us time and
energy cleaning up our mailboxes on a regular basis.

OpLog is designed to be a minimally intrusive system. The current client
notifications can be passively disregarded or looked into further if more
details are desired.

The current interfaces for OpLog are:
* The cgi you're about to set up
* Omnigrowl/Snarl notifications
* RSS feed (and associated Dashboard widget)
* Via your Jabber/XMPP capable IM client

To fit into our current infrastructure, the input mechanism that was chosen
for OpLog was email. To "port" an application to use OpLog notifications, you
only need to add the appropriate e-mail address as a recipient.